How to Heal From Cancer by Building Your Immune System

As a skin cancer survivor turned cancer survivor speaker and cancer support expert, I know that cancer can be healed and recurrences prevented. There are natural cancer treatments that include at their core the building up of the immune system.
You can heal by accessing the power of your immune system. You MUST build your immune system to fight the cancer cells. If you have cancer your immune system was weak or worn out and unable to fight the cancer cells. You can build your immune system with whole food supplements, organic foods and drinks, herbs, teas, etc.
Despite what orthodox medical "experts" continue to want to believe and have us believe, cancer is unnatural and preventable. Lifestyle, environment and diet, and not bad luck or bad genetics, are the usual culprits for those who suffer from cancer. Natural cancer treatments; alternative, complementary, and integrative medicines; and respect for the reality of the body-mind-spirit interconnection are always methods of cancer healing that should be tried before or along with synthetic drugs or radiation treatments. Chemo and radiation have terrible side effects and destroy the immune system the very thing you must have to survive cancer.
The human immune system by its nature, except in people who were born with a congenital problem, is powerful enough to cure and prevent future cancer. However, in the vast majority of people in the modernized world the immune system has been compromised. This leads not only to premature aging, possible sexual problems, heart disease, and weight gain problems, but to cancer as well.
One thing that open-minded research scientists in the field of Glycobiology have found is that cancer can be prevented by the ingestion of long chain carbohydrates; and the best supplement to take to get these long chain carbohydrates into the body seems to be processed aloe vera.
One leading Glycobiological researcher, Dr. Danhof, has written: "The Aloe Vera MPS is a long chain sugar molecule composed of individual sugar molecules connected together in long linear chains. There is wide range in the size of the MPS molecule. The varying sizes determine their healing properties...[Very large size molecules act as] immune system enhancement...The very large molecules are immune modulating, which has a powerful healing effect on ...cancer...The MPS molecule activates the Macrophage directly and through the liver to produce a cascade of healing effects: increases phagocytosis by the macrophage to engulf and destroy infected cells and damaged cells (the garbage eater in the body); increases interleukin and interferon levels in the body, which then increases the number and response of T-Cells and Monocytes...MPS also causes the body to produce tumor necrosis factor that destroys tumors by shutting off their blood supply."
Thus among the natural cancer treatments that one should try, an Aloe Vera MPS supplement stands out. There are more and more of these supplements on the market as research continues to show their effectiveness and smaller pharmaceutical companies who don't have to worry about losing billions of dollars on a failed R&D program boldly create variations on the theme.
Another powerful immune system bolstering natural supplement is the Agaricus Blazei mushroom, first discovered 115 years ago and then rediscovered in the 1970s in Brazil. Known by growers as "the king of mushrooms" or "the mushroom of life," Agaricus Blazei has been demonstrated to reduce the symptoms of cancer in cancer patients in clinical trials.
What are some other ways of bolstering the immune system? Basic, elemental things that anyone can do include drinking herbal teas or take herbal supplements (and you can research different ones first to determine if any are particularly good for cancer); eat lots of protein; get plenty of regular aerobic exercise, especially outdoors (including in cold weather, which can actually make you healthier); get six to eight hours of restful sleep every night; eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (and don't cook your veggies above 108° F, because if you do you kill their vital enzymes); eat a lot of fiber (35mg per day is recommended); cut out the white sugar and high fructose corn syrup; and make sure you stay hydrated (especially important if you drink coffee or alcohol regularly).
About the Author: Sheila Ulrich, a cancer survivor speaker, healed from stage 4 cancer and now provides cancer support, hope, inspiration, and tools to others to help heal the body, mind and spirit.
Claim your free report on how she survived cancer at her cancer survivor blog and learn more about cancer cures that work.

Siberian Chaga Mushroom (hunting 2)