Chinese herbs used to stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis include Mume and Sanguisorba

Natural Solutions for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a serious condition involving inflammation, ulceration, and bleeding of the colon. It is considered to be an auto-immune condition for which conventional medicine has no cure. The person is generally given steroids and other drugs to control flare-ups and bleeding. The only cure conventional medicine has is to remove a person's colon. This disease can either be minor with occasional flare-ups, or debilitating and severe. The internal bleeding can cause severe anemia. The diarrhea can cause a loss of fluids and electrolytes. The pain from intestinal spasms can be extreme. It can get to the point that a person does not want to eat for fear of the pain and the problems they have due to ulcerative colitis.
There are a number of natural ways to manage and control this disease, and even potentially put it into remission.
First of all, there are methods of modulating the immune system and reducing its tendency to create inflammation without the use of steroids. Steroids can have numerous side effects, especially used long term for a chronic condition like this. They can cause bone loss, water retention, severe insomnia, psychosis (means you go crazy), and impairment of organs. Researchers are also looking into the possibility that the euphoric high some people get from steroids like prednisone may cause psychological dependency.
mume sanguisorba bleeding ulcerative

A number of essential fatty acids and enzymes can reduce the inflammatory response of the immune system. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish oil and in flaxseed oil. This has been shown to be beneficial for people with all sorts of auto-immune conditions including ulcerative colitis. Another fatty acid is called cetyl-myristolate, also called CMO. CMO has been used successfully to treat a number of auto-immune conditions, including ulcerative colitis. One enzyme that seems promising for the treatment of ulcerative colitis is serrapeptase. Serrapeptase is excellent for managing the pain and reducing inflammation in the colon, and in other areas of the body.
Certain vitamins are helpful for ulcerative colitis. Highest on the list is vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to regulate the immune system's response and reduce inflammation. Sublingual B-vitamin complex can also be beneficial. The B-vitamins can aid the nervous system, reducing a negative response to stress, which is often the source of people's flare-ups.
Pectin and liquid soluble fiber have been shown to be useful in controlling ulcerative colitis, and preventing flare-ups.
Many people have found that colloidal silver, taken regularly, can put their ulcerative colitis in remission.
The long chain mucilaginous polysaccharides found in aloe vera gel, made from the inner leaf of the aloe vera plant, can heal the damage and the ulcerations formed in the colon during a flare-up of ulcerative colitis.
The Chinese herbal formula, Jianpiling, has been used on over 10,000 people in China with ulcerative colitis. It has been shown to put 66% of cases into remission within 3 months of taking the formula. Some people needed to take the formula again a year later to go back into remission, but the majority still had no flare-ups one year after the study. When examined via colonoscopy, erosions, mucous accumulation, and bleeding spots were shown to be eliminated in 90% of patients.
A Chinese herbal remedy that has been commonly used for all sorts of internal bleeding has been shown to help stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis as well. This formula is called Yunnan Paiyao. It contains pseudoginseng, which has hemostatic properties. Other Chinese herbs used to stop bleeding from ulcerative colitis include mume and sanguisorba.
If a person does take corticosteroids to control ulcerative colitis, they can reduce the dosage they take by also taking licorice root. Licorice root has components that are similar to cortisol. As a result, taking the root magnifies the effects of corticosteroids, making it possible to get similar effects from a smaller dosage. If you take this route, be sure to work with your physician to wean yourself to lower dosages slowly.
As you can see, there are many natural methods of managing ulcerative colitis. All natural remedies require consistency over time to see the best results, since they are generally milder than chemical drugs. Natural approaches also work best if you work on your health in between flare-ups and don't wait for the situation to become extreme before addressing it. If you are ready to be diligent and take charge of your own health, then the natural route to treating ulcerative colitis may be the best option for you.
Farah Khan, Ac. is an acupuncturist and herbalist practicing in Montreal, Canada. She offers the herbal formula Jianpiling in her protocol for colon health. For more information, visit her site at [].

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