Eucalyptus - Keeping Colds and Flu at Bay

Eucalyptus essential oil comes in many varieties. The most popular eucalyptus plant is Eucalyptus globulous, which is native to Australia. This not the only type of eucalyptus plant. There are others, and each one has its own special properties.
Eucalyptus smithii or Gully Gum Eucalyptus is a mild type of eucalyptus. This makes it a favorite when recommending for children. Be aware however that you are pregnant, it should be avoided and it may trigger cough reflex.
Eucalyptus smithii works well as an antibacterial and antiviral oil. Increased resistance to illness seems to be a common experience. If you are interested in eucalyptus for this purpose, using it in combination with Lemon essential oil is a good blend.
Smithii may help with muscular and joint pain since it is slightly analgesic. For this application, combining the eucalyptus with marjoram makes an effective blend.
Of course, being cold and flu season, we would not want to leave out one of Smithii eucalyptus' most popular uses: helping to ease colds and sore throats in children.
eucalyptus antiviral oil

As an interesting and less known application of this versatile essential oil, we use it as part of a biorhythm blend to help shift workers adapt to changes in sleep schedules.
Eucalyptus globulous is the type of eucalyptus oil that most of us are familiar with. Be aware though that this is a stronger variety than the Smithii. If you have sensitive skin, you should use caution when using this oil. Seeking advise from a trained aromatherapist would be a good idea.
Also, eucalyptus globulous should not be used at all is cases where epilepsy and pregnancy is involved. Finally, this variety of eucalyptus is not considered safe for young children.
Eucalyptus globulous has interesting uses beyond our physical health. Helping us to move on with our lives by making necessary changes, it clears the head and aids concentration.
No household stranger during cold and flu season, perhaps eucalyptus globulous is best known for helping to clear the lungs and sinuses. This essential oil also performs well in stimulating the immune system.
It is used for skin problems and as a stimulating muscle massage as well. Still another type of eucalyptus is Eucalyptus radiata. It's safety precautions and uses are the same as eucalyptus globulous but it has a milder scent.
Lemon Eucalyptus, also known as Eucalyptus citriodora is an interesting essential oil because it smells more like citronella than it does eucalyptus. This variety makes a wonderful and safe alternative insect repellent.
A US Department of Agriculture study concluded that Lemon Eucalyptus was more effective at preventing mosquito bites than 11 other natural and DEET based repellents. Lemon Eucalyptus exceeded the performance of repellents containing more than 7% DEET. Lemon Eucalyptus has been registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In order to be registered with the EPA, products must be successfully reviewed for both safety and effectiveness.
Lemon Eucalyptus is also considered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be effective against the varieties of mosquitoes reported to carry the West Nile virus. The CDC even recommends Lemon Eucalyptus for this purpose.
These are important considerations in light of the fact the DEET continues to come under suspicion by researchers. A doctor of pharmacology at Duke university Medical Center published a paper in 2002 reporting his findings that DEET caused brain cell death in rats. A more recent 2009 study published in BioMed Central Biology associates DEET with suppressing cholinesterase activity. Cholinesterase is involved with facilitating neurotransmitter activity in the brain.
These finding make Lemon Eucalyptus a welcome natural alternative for reducing both the annoyance and the potential health hazards of mosquito season.
So enjoy the many varieties of this great health promoting essential oil. If you have any questions or comments, visit our essential oils site and leave us a message. We at love helping people improve their health and the quality of their lives. You will also find various aromatherapy classes if you are more committed to increasing your knowledge of essential oils.
Wishing you healthy and joyful life.
Riley Konners

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