The article deals with the healing qualities of black henbane. In addition, it describes ways to use the herb when dealing with various health problems.
Black henbane is a biennial with a stem growing to a height of 1 meter. The stem has few or no branches. Blossoms are yellow with violet rib. They are arranged in curlicues. The herb blooms starting from June till September. When the plant finishes blossoming, calyces remain to let the fruits develop. Fruits contain a lot of tiny gray brown seeds shaped like kidney. The herb has peculiar unpleasant aroma. All parts of the herb are covered with sticky glandular hairs. The herb is poisonous.
- Leaves, tops and seeds contain tropane alkaloids, such as, hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine and etc.
- The herb has antispasmodic and anodyne properties.
- Henbane alkaloids are powerful poisons. However, if you use certain and controlled doses, they are proven to relieve or prevent spasms within the smooth muscles of intestine, bile duct and urethra. In addition, remedies made of the herb can be used to reduce the secretion of saliva, tears, mucus and gastric juice.
- Pharmaceutical companies uses the herb to produce various remedies, including dry extract, which, in its turn, is used to produce pellets, powder and salve used as pain-killers and antispasmodic remedies.
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Henbane hyoscyamus niger
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