The article deals with the healing properties of black henbane. In addition, it describes useful guidelines on how to collect and dry the herb.
The plant can be found in woody area, dump, roadside and near the basement of old house. The herb can be cultivated, as well.
You should collect leaves of the herb. The leaves are collected from flowering plants several times during the vegetation of the herb in dry and sunny weather from July till September. Hand pick clean, undamaged leaves with pedicels. Spread them in a single layer and dry the herbs at a room temperature or in drying camera at a temperature between 55 and 60 degrees Celsius to retain the active substances. Sometimes the tops of the herb are used for medical purposes, as well. You should collect the tops during the ripening of the fruits.
When dealing with henbane, you should be very careful - you must not touch your eyes and face with your hands. After the contact with the herb, you must wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly. Children must not collect the herb.
- The leaves are used to make black henbane oil, which is intended for external use. You should rub the painful areas to relieve neuralgic and rheumatic pain.
- The leaves are smoked in anti-asthma cigarettes.
- There are various purposes folk medicine uses the herb. Henbane is mainly used as anodyne and anti-cramping remedy. In addition, remedies made of the herb are used to deal with cough, insomnia, hysterics, headache, eyesight disorders, painful periods, excessive libido in women and photophobia. However, the use of the herb has significantly reduced over the past years.
The herb is frequently used instead of the extract made of belladonna or deadly nightshade.
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Article Source:
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