Dried goji berries health benefits

Story Revealed! Ancient Secrets of Goji Berries

History Of The Goji Berry
dried goji berries health benefits

The centuries old Goji berry can be found growing on an evergreen bush located within equable and subtropical areas within China, Mongolia and into the Himalayas within Tibet. They are related to the nightshade (Solonaceae) breed. These Goji berries are by and large found dried. They resemble tiny shriveled red berries that are like tiny red raisins. Why make sure of family exploit goji berries? Well, get a load of this; Goji berries have been prescribed for 6,000 years by herbalists living in China, Tibet and India to:
o defend the liver
o is good for your eyesight
o enhance sexual ability and fertility
o Gives strength to the thighs and legs
o boosts the immune system function
o enhance the bodies circulation
o improve your longevity

dried goji berries health benefits

I believe that sums it up, also goji berries are packed with rich antioxidants, especially carotenoids such as zeaxanthin and beta-carotene. One of zeaxanthin's significant roles is to defend the retina within the eye by absorbing blue light and putting up a defense as an antioxidant. As a matter of actuality, increased consumption of foods containing zeathanthin may well decrease the danger of increasing age-related macular erosion (AMD), the leading cause of eyesight loss and blindness within individuals over the age of 60-65.

dried goji berries health benefits

In modern years, goji juice has turn out to be admired such as a fitness beverage. The dieting properties of the small berries natural ingredients in the berries are quickly becoming very popular, especially among stars and celebrities. Always seems like we always have to hear about the movie star first? Companies marketing goji juice often mention the unsupported accusation that a chap named Li Qing Yuen ate goji berries day after day and lived to exist 252 years old. Marketers in addition list extensive physical condition benefits of goji juice, even though at hand are a small number of available clinical trials in humans.
What do research has been complete on goji berries?
Although Goji has simply been tested on humans featuring in two available studies. A Chinese study available in the Journal of Chinese Oncology in 1994 found that 79 individuals with tumor responded better to healing as soon as goji was added to their weight loss regimen. There have been several test tube studies which illustrate that goji berry contains antioxidants and that goji extracts may well prevent the growth of disease cells, reduce blood glucose, and reduce cholesterol levels. However, that doesn't basic mean that goji will give the same benefits while taken in the role of a juice or else tea.
Just because goji berries like the kind used during Chinese traditional medicine are not really expensive, goji juice is very overpriced. Taking into consideration that a 32-ounce size bottle of goji juice (about an 18-day supply) at times can run upwards of soaring such as $50 USD, the evidence isn't compelling adequate by this stage to justify the cost of goji juice. Also, we don't know the side effects of regular goji consumption, or whether it seems to interfere with treatments and medications. What do goji berries taste like? Goji berries hold a mild piquant taste that is somewhat sweet-tempered and go sour. They exhibit a like form and rubbery quality such as raisins.
Familiar forms
The juice within the Goji berries may well act together with drugs that are anti-coagulents (commonly named "blood-thinners"), the likes of warfarin (Coumadin). For instance there was an individual occurrence commentary in print appearing in a report in the journal of the Annals of Pharmacotherapy of a 61-year old woman who developed an heightened probability of bleeding, brought on by an increased international normalized ratio (INR). She was on a daily basis drinking 3-4 cups each day of tea made with Goji berry. Her blood production returned to normal levels as soon as she discontinued the goji berry tea.
Potential drug interactions
The juice within the Goji berries may perhaps act together with drugs that are anti-coagulents (commonly named "blood-thinners"), the likes of warfarin (Coumadin®). For instance there was an individual occurrence commentary in print appearing in a report in the journal of the Annals of Pharmacotherapy of a 61-year old woman who developed an heightened probability of bleeding, brought on by an hightened international normalized ratio (INR). She was on a daily basis drinking 3-4 cups each day of tea made with Goji berry. Her blood production returned to normal levels as soon as she discontinued the goji berry tea.
Joshua Nichols is an avid health blogger, and also runs an all natural herbal supplement website, [http://healthyplanetherbals.Com/product/overview/Goji_Active/] Along with other herbal diet treatments like Acai Berry, Hoodia, Resveratrol, skin care, joint pain, etc. Check it out...
The Goji Active is a complete all-natural supplement designed to be taken in an easy-to-use pill form with no powders or cumbersome ingredients to mix or measure. Just take as directed to help with weight loss, immune function, and increasing energy levels.
Would you like to know more? Visit His website out at [http://HealthyPlanetHerbals.com] to learn about these amazing weight loss supplements. Right now there is a free e-book called "71 Weight Loss Tips" and "Weight Loss Visualization Audio"

Dried Goji Berries

dried goji berries health benefits

Ever heard of Li Qing Yuen? He's the person who lived up to a ripe old age of 252 years. No kidding. The life (and longevity) of Prof. Li Qing Yuen, who lived between 1678-1930, is one of the best documented. And you know what? He's reported to have consumed Goji berries daily!
Goji berry is a member of the wolfberry family and is known by the scientific name of Lycium barbarum. It's credited with increasing the life span and having several health improving properties. It is one of the richest natural nutrients available on earth. It is said that the Chinese have been using Goji berry, as a food and a medicine, for more than five thousand years.
dried goji berries health benefits

Nutritional value of Goji Berries
Goji berry is a rich source of nutrients and amino acids. It contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals and several vitamins and minerals. It has six times more amino acids than bee pollen, 500 times more Vitamin C by weight than oranges, more iron than spinach, and more Beta carotene than carrots. Goji berry contains minerals like Calcium and Magnesium, and Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin E, normally found in grains and seeds and rarely in fruits. In addition, these berries contain many complex compounds and phytonutrients. High levels of protein content (13% of these berries are protein - higher than whole wheat), and antioxidants are other nutrient highlights. In addition, Goji berries contain Beta-sitosterol, Betaine, and essential fatty acids. With all this nutrition packed into it, it is small wonder that these berries have a great medicinal and health value.
dried goji berries health benefits

Benefits of Goji Berries
Goji berries have been used in traditional systems of medicine to treat various conditions like anemia, cough and inflammation. It has also been used for improving the immune system, protection of the liver, and improving eyesight. Apart from the curative properties, Goji berry is believed to have a positive effect on the health and wellness of those consuming it, and benefits the user with longevity, increased vitality and sexual prowess.
Elderly patients, who were given Goji berries thrice a week, reported several benefits, including improved sleep, better appetite and recovery of sexual function in some cases.
dried goji berries health benefits

Antioxidants combat free radicals, which are responsible for damaging cells and DNA, increasing the risk of cancer and aiding the ageing process. The high level of antioxidants in Goji berries ensures that the ageing process is slowed down. It is believed that Goji berries have contributed to the freedom from diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease in the people of Asia who have been consuming this fruit.
About the plant
Goji berry grows in protected valleys with vines reaching up to heights of 4 m. The plant grows in sandy or clay soil conditions under semi shade or no shade. The fruits are never plucked by hand since they are very sensitive and can be spoilt if they are touched by hand at this stage. Instead the fruits are shaken on to a mat and then dried in the shade.
Dosage and consumption details
dried goji berries health benefits

Goji berries taste somewhat like raisins. They can be taken alone or mixed with other ingredients. Daily dosage could be about 10-30 grams.
The best way to take dried Goji berries is to wash them in water and soak them for a short while, before consuming. You can at reasonable prices at most Chinese stores.
The author Kirk Bachelder manages a business offering Goji Berries, Goji Berry Juice and Goji Seeds for sale at http://www.gojiberries.us.

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